Some important Physiology questions for the 1st year MBBS , BAMS (Ayurveda) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams.
SECTION A (50 Marks)
Q.1 Long Answer Question :- (20 Marks)
Raju, a 45 year male came to hospital with complaints of tingling, numbness in lower limb, recurrent ulcers in mouth and fatigue since three months. He is a pure vegetarian with normal bowel and bladder habits and no addiction.On examination, his skin was pale. There was sensory less in distal extremeties. On lab investigation his hemoglobin was 9 gm and peripheral blood smear showed large RBCs and hypersegmented neutrophils. His means corpusculat volume (MCV) was 108 f, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) was 48 pg.
(a)What could be probable diagnosis ? Give resons for the same .
(b)Explain the mechanism for development of this disease.
(c)Give are the physiological basis of sign and symptoms.
(d) Give function, absorption & metabolism of the substance responsible for the above condition.
Q2. Short Notes Questions (within 500 words) :- (5x 3 = 15 Marks)
(a)Primary active transport.
(b)Wallerian degeneration & regeneration.
(c)Gastric emptying.
Q3. Short Answer Questions (within 100 words) :- (3×5 = 15 Marks)
(a) Post-prandial alkaline tide.
(b)Oxygen debt.
(c)White and Red muscle fibers.
(d)Major cross matching.
(e)Functions of gall bladder.
SECTION B (50 Marks)
Q.1 Long Answer Question :- (20 Marks)
Sita is a 55-year-old manager at a department store. One morning, she awakened from a deep sleep and that she was more than an hour late for work. She panicked, momentarily and then jumped out of bed, and suddenly stood up. Briefly, she felt lightheaded and thought she might faint. She had the sensation that her heart was “racing”. As she walked toward the bathroom, she noticed that her light-headedness disappeared. The rest of her day was uneventful
(a)What is the most probable cause of her light-headedness and fainting sensation?
(b)What is the name given to such condition?
(c)Her light-headedness was transient, and she recovered soon. Explain the mechanism of recovery?
Q.2 Short Notes Questions (within 500 words):- (3×5 = 15 Marks)
(a)Decompression sickness .
(b)Distributive shock.
(c)Atrioventricular block
Q3 Short Answer Questions (within 100 words):- (5×3 = 15 Marks)
(a) Physiological significance of Functional residual capacity (FRC).
(b)Atrioventricular (AV) delay and its significance.
(c)Forced Expiratory Volume 1 (FEV1) and its clinical significance.
(d)Hearing-Beurer reflex and its significance.
(e)Two changes in ECG during myocardial infarction (MI).
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