Biochemistry (Set-2)

Some important Biochemistry questions for the 1st year MBBS , BAMS (Ayurveda) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams.

SECTION-A       (Full Marks-25)

Q1. What are monoclonal Antibodies? Write Diagnostic and Therapeutic uses of Monoclonal Antibodies.    (2+3 = 5 marks)

Q2. Enumerate Some Inhibitors of Translation and Write in Brief about their Mechanism of Inhibition.      (2+3 = 5 marks)

Q3. Write in Brief about Immunodeficiency Diseases & their features. Also Explain the mechanism of Immunodeficiency in any one primary immunodeficiency Disease.        (3+2 = 5 marks)

Q4. What is primary Gout. & Secondary Gout. Explain the biochemical basis of clinical abnormalities in Primary Gout.
  (1+4 = 5 marks)

Q5. Write in brief about post transcriptional processing of mRNA transcript in Eukaryotes. Add a note on importance of alternative splicing.    (4+1 = 5 marks)

SECTION-B     (Full Marks-25)

Q1. Write short note on any 5.

(a) G protein Coupled receptors mediated hormone action & enumerate 4 hormones of this mechanism.
(b) Causes, signs, symptoms & management of dehydration.
(c) Intracellular & extracellular buffers.
(d) ELISA-Different types and uses & mechanism.
(e) Mechanism of muscle contraction.
(f) Mechanism of oncogenesis

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