Exam Papers
Pathology (Set – 1)
More Materials :- Set – 2 Set – 3 Some important Pathology questions for the 1st year MBBS , BAMS (Ayurveda) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams. Section -A. (20 Marks) Q1. Define Edema. Mention 4 differences in chemical composition between Transudate and Exudate. Name four conditions causing Transudate. (2+4+4 = 10 marks ) Q2. Write short notes on (any two): (5×2 = 10 marks) (a) Melanoma(b) Pathogenesis of Metastasis(c) Different types of Necrosis. Section – B (20 Marks) Q1. A 2 year old boy presents with haemarthrosis and history of difficulty in control of bleeding. (2+2+6 = 10 marks) (a) What should be the provisional diagnosis?(b) What should be the differential diagnosis? (c) What laboratory investigations should be done for diagnosis? Q2. Write briefly on (any two): (5×2 = 10 marks) (a) Different Cytochemical Stains used in Leukaemia. (b) Different laboratory tests for diagnosing Iron deficiency anaemia. (c) Different investigations with result for different Haemoglobinopathies. Other Subjects :- Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry
Biochemistry (Set-3)
Some important Biochemistry questions for the 1st year MBBS , BAMS (Ayurveda) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams. Section A (50 Marks) Q1.Long Answer Question: (1+4+10 = 15 marks) A 70 year old male in good health previously, presented with sudden pain in the right great toe in the night after a bout of alcohol consumption. On examination, he had mild fever, his right great toe was wollen warm, red and tender Serum uric acid was 10 (a) What is the probable diagnosis?. (6) Discus the biochemical basis of this condition along with different types of it. (c) Enumerate the pathway of purine nucleotide catabolism Q2. Short Answer Question: (7×5 = 35 marks) 1) Define Induction & repression. Describe briefly about Lac Operon. 2) Explain briefly about Post Transcriptional Modification. 3) Discuss about Recombinant DNA technology & its applications. 4) Define Mutation. Describe about types of Mutation with examples. 5) Explain briefly about PCR technique & its applications. 6) Describe Structure of Immunoglobulins. 7) Name drugs which inhibits translation & describe their mechanism of action Section B (50 Marks) Q1. A 52 year old man with presents to the emergency department history in semiconscious state, he had diabetes mellitus since 20 years. He has an SpO2 of 98% on room air and is obviously tachypnes on exam with what appears to be Kunamaal’s respirations. A room air arterial blood gas is performed and reveal: (3×5 = 15 Marks) pH: 7.15 (735-745); PCO: 21(35-45 mm of Hg); Potassiam: 4.0 (3.5-5.5mEq/L) ; Sodium: 140.0 (135-1555mEq/L); HCO: 16.022-26 mm of Hg); Chloride: 104 (95-1055 mEq/L); Blood glucose: 504 mg/dl (a) Which type acid-base imbalance is evident from it this ABG report? (b) Define anion gap. (c) Calculate the anion gap in this patient. (d) Discuss all the possible differential diagnosis of underlying disorder in this patient? (e) Describe the mechanism of compensation in this disorder? 2. Write short notes (4×5 = 20 Marks) (a) Free radical and antioxid. (b) Phase II xenobiotic. (c) Liver function test. (d) Tumor suppressor gene. (e) Cardiac markers 3. Short answer questions justify :- (5×3 = 15 Marks) (a) Blood creatinine more better investigation than urine creatinine. (b) Vitamin C act as Pro-oxidant in higher doses. (c) Serum is better than plasma for biochemical investigation. (d) Lambert-beer law used for biochemical parameter. (e) Enumerate body fluid in our body. Need more materials on Biochemistry to study ? Click here to learn. Other Subjects :-
Biochemistry (Set-2)
Some important Biochemistry questions for the 1st year MBBS , BAMS (Ayurveda) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams. SECTION-A (Full Marks-25) Q1. What are monoclonal Antibodies? Write Diagnostic and Therapeutic uses of Monoclonal Antibodies. (2+3 = 5 marks) Q2. Enumerate Some Inhibitors of Translation and Write in Brief about their Mechanism of Inhibition. (2+3 = 5 marks) Q3. Write in Brief about Immunodeficiency Diseases & their features. Also Explain the mechanism of Immunodeficiency in any one primary immunodeficiency Disease. (3+2 = 5 marks) Q4. What is primary Gout. & Secondary Gout. Explain the biochemical basis of clinical abnormalities in Primary Gout. (1+4 = 5 marks) Q5. Write in brief about post transcriptional processing of mRNA transcript in Eukaryotes. Add a note on importance of alternative splicing. (4+1 = 5 marks) SECTION-B (Full Marks-25) Q1. Write short note on any 5. (a) G protein Coupled receptors mediated hormone action & enumerate 4 hormones of this mechanism. (b) Causes, signs, symptoms & management of dehydration. (c) Intracellular & extracellular buffers. (d) ELISA-Different types and uses & mechanism. (e) Mechanism of muscle contraction. (f) Mechanism of oncogenesis Need more materials on Biochemistry to study ? Click here to learn. Other Subjects :-
Biochemistry (Set-1)
Some important Biochemistry questions for the 1st year MBBS , BAMS (Ayurveda) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams. SECTION-A (Marks: 25) Q1. Describe HMP Pailway in detail. How HMP Pathway is regulated? Clinical Significance of HMP pathway and Related Disorders. (10Marks) Q2. Write Short Notes on :- (3×5 = 15 Marks) (a) Peroxisomes. (b) Enzyme Classification. (c) Mucopolysacchrides. (d) Complex IV (ETC). (e) Galactosemia SECTION – B(Marks: 25) Q1. Draw a flow chart of biosynthesis of cholesterol. How is it regulated? What are the different biomolecules formed from cholesterol. (10 Marks) Q2. Write short notes on the following (a) Detoxification of ammonia in brain. (b) Good Cholesterol. (c) Folate Trap. (d) Vitamin K. (e) Alkaptonuria Need more materials on Biochemistry to study ? Click here to learn. Other Subjects :-
Physiology (Set-3)
Some important Physiology questions for the 1st year MBBS , BAMS (Ayurveda) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams. SECTION A (50 Marks) Q.1 Long Answer Question :- (20 Marks) Raju, a 45 year male came to hospital with complaints of tingling, numbness in lower limb, recurrent ulcers in mouth and fatigue since three months. He is a pure vegetarian with normal bowel and bladder habits and no addiction.On examination, his skin was pale. There was sensory less in distal extremeties. On lab investigation his hemoglobin was 9 gm and peripheral blood smear showed large RBCs and hypersegmented neutrophils. His means corpusculat volume (MCV) was 108 f, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) was 48 pg. (a)What could be probable diagnosis ? Give resons for the same . (b)Explain the mechanism for development of this disease. (c)Give are the physiological basis of sign and symptoms. (d) Give function, absorption & metabolism of the substance responsible for the above condition. Q2. Short Notes Questions (within 500 words) :- (5x 3 = 15 Marks) (a)Primary active transport. (b)Wallerian degeneration & regeneration. (c)Gastric emptying. Q3. Short Answer Questions (within 100 words) :- (3×5 = 15 Marks) (a) Post-prandial alkaline tide. (b)Oxygen debt. (c)White and Red muscle fibers. (d)Major cross matching. (e)Functions of gall bladder. SECTION B (50 Marks) Q.1 Long Answer Question :- (20 Marks) Sita is a 55-year-old manager at a department store. One morning, she awakened from a deep sleep and that she was more than an hour late for work. She panicked, momentarily and then jumped out of bed, and suddenly stood up. Briefly, she felt lightheaded and thought she might faint. She had the sensation that her heart was “racing”. As she walked toward the bathroom, she noticed that her light-headedness disappeared. The rest of her day was uneventful (a)What is the most probable cause of her light-headedness and fainting sensation? (b)What is the name given to such condition? (c)Her light-headedness was transient, and she recovered soon. Explain the mechanism of recovery? Q.2 Short Notes Questions (within 500 words):- (3×5 = 15 Marks) (a)Decompression sickness . (b)Distributive shock. (c)Atrioventricular block Q3 Short Answer Questions (within 100 words):- (5×3 = 15 Marks) (a) Physiological significance of Functional residual capacity (FRC). (b)Atrioventricular (AV) delay and its significance. (c)Forced Expiratory Volume 1 (FEV1) and its clinical significance. (d)Hearing-Beurer reflex and its significance. (e)Two changes in ECG during myocardial infarction (MI). Need More Physiology Materials to Study ? Click here to Learn More. Other Subjects :-
Physiology (Set-2)
Some important Physiology questions for the 1st year MBBS , BAMS (Ayurveda) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams. SECTION A (25 Marks) Q1. Define cardiac output. Explain in brief the various factors that affect cardiac output (1+6 = 7 marks) Q2. Write short notes on the following: (4×3 = 9 marks) (a) Factors affecting erythropoiesis. (b) Events that take place at neuromuscular junction during impulse transmission. (c) Secondary Active Transport Mechanism. Q3. Compare and contrast between: (2×3 = 6 marks) (a) Chronaxie and Rheobase. (b) Helper T-cells and Cytotoxic T-cells. (c) Pacemaker potential and cardiac action potential. SECTION B (25 Marks) Q1. Describe chemical regulation of Respiration (7 marks) Q2. Write short notes on: (4×3 = 12 marks) (a) Structure of respiratory membrane. (b) Renin angiotensin mechanism. (c) Oxygen deficit and oxygen dept. Q3. Explain the physiological basis of the following statements: (2 ×3 = 6 marks) (a) Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) has a high rate of oxygen consumption. (b) High V/P (ventilation perfusion) ratio in the apex of lung. (c) Physiological basis of different type of hypoxia. Need more materials on Physiology to study ? Click here to learn. Other Subjects :-
Physiology (Set-1)
Some important Physiology questions for the 1st year MBBS students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams. Questions have been asked from Whole Syllabus of Physiology. SECTION A (25 marks) Q1. State the types and forms of Memories with examples. Describe possible neurohumoral mechanisms involved in learning and memory. (3+4=7 marks) Q2. Write short notes on: (4×3=12 marks) a). Muscle tone. b). Signal transduction in photoreceptors. c). Fever. Q3. Compare and differentiate between: (2×3=6 marks) a). Intention tremor and resting tremor. b). Endolymph and perilymph. c). Types of sensation transmitted via dorsal column- medial leminiscal system and that through anterolateral system. SECTION B (25 marks) Q1. Describe the regulatory mechanisms of gastric acid secretion and pathophysiology of peptic ulcer diseases. (4+3=7 marks) Q2. Write short notes on: (4X3=12 marks) a). Cushing’s syndrome. b). Contraceptive pill. c). Cryptorchidism. Q.3 Explain the physiological mechanisms for the following statements (2X3=6 marks) a). Dietary deficiency of iodine may produce colloid goiter. b). Women, after menopause, are prone to develop osteoporosis. c). Patient with chronic hyperaldosteronism shows ‘escape phenomenon by increasing sodium excretion. Need more materials on Physiology to study ? Click here to learn. Other Subjects :-
Anatomy (Set-3)
Some important questions for the 1st year MBBS , BAMS (Ayurveda) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Proffesional Exams. These questions are from the Head and Neck Topic of Anatomy. Q1. Describe different layers of scalp along with their clinical importance. (20 marks) Q2. Describe the posterior triangle of neck in detail. (20 marks) Q3. Describe thyroid gland in detail. Add a note on its histology. (20 marks) Q4. Write short notes on: (2×10 = 20 marks) a. Temporo-mandibular joint. b. Accessory nerve (XI cranial nerve) Q5. Describe briefly (4×5 = 20 marks) a. Cervical part of sympathetic chain. b. Development of face. c. Paranasal air sinuses. d. Intrinsic muscles of larynx. Need More Materials on Anatomy to study ? Click here to learn. Other Subjects :-
Anatomy (Set – 2)
Some important questions for the 1st year MBBS , Ayurveda (BAMS) and Nursing students that might be asked in the Terminal or University / Professional Exams. Questions have been asked from the Lower Limb Section of the Anatomy . Q1. Describe the gross anatomy of hip joint. Add notes about the ligament stablising the joint. (10 marks) Q2. Describe femoral triangle in detail. Add a note ca femoral hernia. (10 marks) Q3. Write notes on: (5×2 = 10) a. Medial longitudinal arch of the foot. b. Popliteal fossa. Q4. Write notes on: (4×2=8) a. Structure under gluteus maximus. b. Hamstring group of muscles. Q5. Describe in brief: (3×4= 12) a. Foot drop. b. Great saphenous vein c. Obturator nerve. d. Tibialis anterior muscle. Need more materials on Anatomy to study ? Click here to learn. Other Subjects :-