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Anatomy Set 1
#1. Apical Pulse is assesed by placing the diaphragm of the stethoscope at the area
#2. .......... is a protein involved in forming the cytoskeleton.
#3. Shaft of a long bone is also called as ?
#4. Primary site of hematopoiesis in the fetus before mid pregnancy is
#5. Chemical composition of Bone is ?
#6. Pyknosis is characterised by
#7. Structure present in the superomedial aspect of the Body ?
#8. All factors help in venous return except
#9. Sex of the Child can be determined by ?
#10. Suffux 'ectomy' denotes ?
#11. The aqueous component of the cell , within which various organelles and particles are suspended is
#12. The second heart sound dup is heard due to
#13. Blood is a
#14. Oxytocin has the role in
#15. An example of positive feedback meschanism in our body is